Sunday, 30 November 2014

A Blog's First Post and a gal turns 34.

Today I turn 34. And as I sit in my pjs,coffee in hand, rifling through birthday cards and wrapping paper I think about the life I've lived so far.  In all my life I never thought I'd be in my thirties. I thought my twenties were going to be a never ending road. I'd always be able to be crazy and reckless and my world view would never have to go as far as the end of my nose.

I'm so glad that I made it out of my twenties.

The life we lead is something of a work of art. We can't decide what the final outcome is going to be without make a few terrible brush strokes and sometimes balling everything up and starting over.

My work of art has had all the wrong brushstrokes and somehow I was lucky enough to ball it all up and start over anew in Jolly Old England.

My life hasn't always been easy, the path I've had to walk hasn't always been smooth, but the journey itself has been absolutely worthwhile!

This I hope can help me document it more effectively. Nothing I've done has been drastically out of the ordinary. As you can imagine, growing up in America, you know millions have made journeys from the comforts of their home countries.  But what I love about our lives is that even though everything seems to be not that extraordinary, there are parts that are well, nothing too ordinary!


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